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  • nkpadmanabhan

Digital Dimension the story

Updated: Mar 13, 2020

This site is to complement my book Digital Dimension that is out finally. I always envisioned to write a book and finally found the time, motivation and also the right topic to make my thoughts felt.

I have been in Information Technology for about 20 years now and i really have started feeling old in team meetings. The technology changes have been super rapid and with it the culture of people too has changed.

My generation was probably the Facebook generation, today there are other things out there which are the in thing.

But all of these changes do depend on technologies and their shifts in the world. To achieve this there is a lot of planning and processing that needs to happen at enterprise levels and this is where experience steps in.

I used to laugh and scorn when people used to use the word process. Unfortunately time has thought me that process is the key...

Any activity that needs to be scaled wide and deep needs a sound process and also people who know the lay of the land. Too often we miss this out and chart out a path to trouble.

My book is a small step in this journey. I urge the reader to look at solutions holistically and not in pieces. The journey becomes easy when there is a perceived end goal.


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